Out of range is a European guild on Twisting Nether. Our goals are semi-HC raiding along with causal PVP. We see ourselfs as superiors to the alliance and the language can be harsh pretty much all the time. If you can't handle harsh language your not a person for us!
Also, if you can't handle doing wrong and get severly scolded and get a rough beating from the officers, you are probably not for us either.
What we are looking for is in first hand active players that knows how to play and plays preferably a lot both during weekdays and some during weekends (don't count on friday/saturday in the first place).
We are not a casual driven guild so we do expect our members to be at the appointed place at the appointed time. And also be done with walking the dog, eating, putting your old grandma to bed etc, when the raid starts. We need you to be availiable for atleast 4 hours and sometimes more depending on how good the raid goes. We will not force you to be there at all time but you should be around most of the raidingtimes.
The schedule as it is now looks like this (all times are servertime, or GMT+1):
Raiding is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday. 18:45 - 23:00
We have killed Yogg and we are trying hardmodes.
Also, we speak english in guildchat and on ventrilo when we raid, even thou most of us are scandinavians, some don't understand swedish that good and keeping it english makes all feel better since everyone can understand it.
Even thou your friend/friends get invited doesn't mean that you have a free ticket in. You will be in on a trial period. If we find that you don't match with us, or with our style of playing the game, we might ask for you to leave. No offence but we want our guild to be as good as possible and having people in that doesn't match with what we want isn't going to do it. You will most likely find another guild that suits you better.
After all it is a game, and we are all here to have fun, and fun is beating encounters and possible probobly hours on wiping without any whine.
Our irc chan is #outofrange you can come and talk to us there if we are not gaming.