Where are you from?: UK
Age?: 30+
Ingame Name: Melnibone
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Level: 60
Time played? Type /played ingame: 130 days
Professions: Eng Ench
Do you have any rare patterns?: not really just the odd flask and exalted rep enchant
Talent build: 2/0/49
What is your usual play time?: 7pm game to 2am game most nights apart from saturdays
Can you follow our raidschedule?: yes
Got Ventrilo?: yes
Willing to download specific addons?: got almost all raid addons
Are you willing to respec for the guild if needed?: yes
Previous Guilds: Nightmares Asylum, Last Stand, remedy
Why do you want to join us?: Have some friends in OOR - looking for people to level and see the new content with
Have you got BWL and AQ40 experience?: yes
Done the Attunement to the core? ( MC quest ): yes
Got the onyxia key?: yes
Got access to BWL? yes
Got acces to NAX? yes
Who told you about our guild?: Fandango
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you?: Fandango, Wistern, Grillan, Grizzly
What kind of a gear do you have at the moment? Post gear below
Allakhazam profile: http://wow.allakhazam.com/profile.html?1263557
Max FR(unbuffed): about 250 ish
Max NR(unbuffed): 240 ish