General information
Where are you from?: South East England
Age: 24
Game information
Ingame Name: Banzai
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue
Level: 70
Time played(with this char)? Type /played ingame: 30 played on this char
Professions: Engineering, Mining
Do you have any rare patterns (not that important but always nice)?: Not majorly, Repair bot etc, Am also goblin engineer so have items like jumpers etc.
Talent build: 46/3/12 (this changes often)
What is your usual play time?: Id say generally 4+ hours a day, longer at weekends give or take the nights out getting drunk
Can you follow our raidschedule, and don't have to kiss your mommy 10 minutes each hour?: yeap can play to suit
Got Ventrilo and working sound so you can actually listen to what is said? yeap
Got enough money to respec and willing to do it? Yeap, Of course
Previous Guilds(with this char): Was in Wandering Saints Pre TBC
Have you have any raiding experience?: ZG, MC, AQ some of BWL
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you (do not write "ive met mr.T in the BG once, he might be able to"?: i think Karthagoo can vouch for me.
Profile: (some things do not seem to be showing so will add manually below)
Expedition Boots Of The Bandit
+21 Agil
+32 Stam
+43 AP
Ferocious Bands
+16 Str
+15 Agil
+15 Sta
+10 hit rating
Throwing Weap
Fitz's Throwing Axe
59.3 DPS
+12 Agil
+12 Hit Rating
Some things are not the best but am constantly working to improve my gear
Other stuff
Why do you want to join us (impress!)?: After losing my life for the last week trying to get to 70 while having the time off work, i have now decided to look for a decent end game guild to enjoy the end game content with, and given your guys reputation i thought id give this a shot. I have had the occasional bump into a few of you guys in the BG's a while ago and you all seem nice people that know how to play.
Any other thing you want us to know? Like if you are a traded account, cross-server application or have a serious mental disorder that forces you to do retarded pulls in raids? Hrm nope think thats about all