General information
Where are you from?:Sweden
Age (better be old enough to pay for your own account)?:16
Game information
Ingame Name:Eddö
Time played? Type /played ingame:65 days
Professions:Herb / leatherworking (for the primalstrike set)
Do you have any rare patterns (not that important but always nice)?: Nah , Can buy some
Talent build (better be good or we will tell you to change):15/41/5
What is your usual play time?:7-9 h per day
Can you follow our raidschedule, and don't have to kiss your mommy 10 minutes each hour?:yep I can do that
Got Ventrilo and working sound so you can actually listen to what is said?Yes
Got enough money to respec and willing to do it?Yes ofc
Previous Guilds:Vengeance
Have you have any raiding experience?:Yes I have
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you?: nah dont think so ;/
Attuned to Karazhan?:Yes
Attuned to SSC?: nah, working on it
Attuned to The Eye?:no
Attuned with heroic instances?:Yes all of em
Profile (Allakhazam/CT/Armory): Armory is a little bit fucked up atm , I send it l8er.
Gear Manual Template (not needed if you got a profile, witch you should have)
Main & Offhand:
Gun & Bow:
Other stuff
Why do you want to join us (impress!)?:Becouse I wanna raid with a nice guild.
Any other thing you want us to know? Like if you are a traded account, cross-server application or have a serious mental disorder that forces you to do retarded pulls in raids?: Well I'm a geek ^^ and I will always be full potted on raids.