Hey what's up with oor now? taking a break or?
greeting from sjaklen.
you porbably not remember me but i was in the guild before TBC!
Sucks if you guys slacking since you did so good?
no good arena teams? or?
yoo well we killed illidan 3 times around september and then we went for a chirstmas break after the break stench had alot of work to do so he dindt really have the time for wow. and the officer dindt feel like running the guild without him and many people like myself took a break from the game aswell
so atm many of us is playing in other guilds but we still lame around on the forum.. and you never know if we reform again
so atm many of us is playing in other guilds but we still lame around on the forum.. and you never know if we reform again
i r teh pro