Where are you from?: Holland
Age (better be old enough to pay for your own account)?: 26
Game information
Ingame Name: Winger
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Level: 80
Time played? Type /played ingame: 159 days 23 hours 56 minutes
Professions: Tailoring 440 Skinning 450
Do you have any rare patterns (not that important but always nice)?: Nah i dont have anything special
Talent build (better be good or we will tell you to change): Mainspec = 00/53/18 Duellspec = 71/00/00 pvpspec
What is your usual play time?: heh 24/7 all times =)
IF you are DPS class, what is your usual dps in 25man: Depends the encounter Normally its around 3.5-4k+ and even higher.
Got Ventrilo and working sound so you can actually listen to what is said? Yes i doGot enough money to respec and willing to do it? Sure if its neededPrevious Guilds: Massive attack
Have you have any raiding experience? Yes i know every tactic in Ulduar
Is there anyone in the guild who can vouch for you?: Not that i know
Profile (Allakhazam/CT/Armory): http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... r&n=Winger
Other stuff
Why do you want to join us?: Cause im a hardcore raider and MA disbanded and i like to be a part of a good group =)
Any other thing you want us to know?: Oh ye Iam very active and a nice guy